Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First entry for a daily writer's blog

David Lodge once highlighted the importance of the first paragraph of any piece of short or long fiction (if I remember correctly from The Art of Fiction). Here readers can catch a first glimpse at the writer's craft: his/her choice of genre, character, language, style, etc. The introduction can actually serve as the final puzzle piece for the whole picture (i.e. if you were to read the introduction and the conclusion one right after the other you would see what he was getting at; not that I encourage this sort of thing at the first read).

Anyways, my introduction is meant to explain the purpose of this blog and the best explanation or interpretation that I can think of is a Spanish tertulia (or get-together of close friends/colleagues to discuss literary or political subjects of the day usually in a very cool coffee house such as the Four Cats in Barcelona). We ideally will propose weekly topics for the art of fiction; that is to say, we hope to encourage either inspiration or writer skill/practice....Adelante!!

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